Iyengar Yoga and neurological problems
Garth McLean
290,00 €
Teacher: Garth McLean is an Intermediate Senior II Iyengar Yoga teacher based in Los Angeles. Garth travels to share his personal experiences of the benefits of the practice of Iyengar Yoga for MS and related neurological conditions. Having faced personally physical restrictions Garth has a lot to share. He is a founding and current board member of the Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics group based in Los Angeles.
Workshop: Open to the teachers and students with multiple sclerosis or other neurological issues.
Friday 10.00-12.30, 14.15-16.45
Saturday 10.00-13.00, 16.00-18.00
Sunday 8.30-11.30, 13.00-15.00
Number of the participants is limited so kindly book the workshop in advance.
In order to reserve a place you need to pay extra 10 euro for the membership of CSEN. The reservation for the workshop will be confirmed only after the payment of deposit of € 200 for the whole workshop; € 100 for two days. For further information about reservation you can send an email to info@yogawisdomitalia.it or call(0039) 055 58 28 21 / Cell. 3273289503
NB Since the palasport is far from commercial areas and there are no bars or restaurants nearby, we decided to make available the possibility of booking the lunch for Saturday and Sunday at €10 per meals. Who wants to use this service has to tell when booking the seminar. Payment for food can be made on the spot.
The deposit for this seminar has to be paid to:
Banca Sella, Agenzia Via Carlo Botta, 22 FIRENZE 50136, Italia
Iban: IT79X0326802801052813582410
Please specify: your name and surname, the reason for the bank transfer “DEPOSIT FOR THE WORKSHOP WITH GARTH”.
To confirm your subscription send via email the prove of payment.
The full participation fee can be payed directly on the first day of the seminar.